Friday, 1 December 2006
ryan gentle is back!
Ryan has plagued the Web Hosting Talk forums for around a year and a half now. First striking under Arcstudios and the nick Sasuke and conning many people before being banned.
Later he turned up again as SukiNET and scamming yet more people, this time offering web programming services, demanding 50% up front and then running with the money.
Thankfully this time all of the people seemed to have paid via paypal and managed to get most of their money back.
We shall continue to monitor WHT in case Ryan tries to scam anyone again on there.
Later he turned up again as SukiNET and scamming yet more people, this time offering web programming services, demanding 50% up front and then running with the money.
Thankfully this time all of the people seemed to have paid via paypal and managed to get most of their money back.
We shall continue to monitor WHT in case Ryan tries to scam anyone again on there.
Know Ryan Gentle
Here are a list of aliases which Ryan operates on Forums and elsewhere:
zefieNET LTD
Ketsuyo Tetsunawa
Alex Jacks
Suzanna Gentle (occassionally impersonates his mother)
Ryan as of the 28th of August was known to be active on the following forums: - last seen on the 28th of August using nickname "Kira" (i.e. Anime Europe) joined, posted once, last seen on the 28th of August using the nickname "Kira-sama"
If you are on those forums be wary!
Usually Ryan is easy to find on a forum. He usually has these things on his profile:
If one or all of these warning signs are found, be very wary!
zefieNET LTD
Ketsuyo Tetsunawa
Alex Jacks
Suzanna Gentle (occassionally impersonates his mother)
Ryan as of the 28th of August was known to be active on the following forums: - last seen on the 28th of August using nickname "Kira" (i.e. Anime Europe) joined, posted once, last seen on the 28th of August using the nickname "Kira-sama"
If you are on those forums be wary!
Usually Ryan is easy to find on a forum. He usually has these things on his profile:
- Plymouth / Swindon or Plymouth / Tokyo as his locations.
- Extreme Sports, Army, Army - Airborne, Paratrooper or any one those combinations as his interests.
- Uses the internet address of his current scam as both his e-mail and his web site so look for things like "" for example.
If one or all of these warning signs are found, be very wary!

Ryan at it again!
ryan gentle!
What a ****!
Ryan gentle a small boy.
ryan gentle!
What a ****!
Ryan gentle a small boy.
ryan arrested
Amecon are very well aware of Mr Gentle. I think it seems they're going to let him turn up on the day and turn him away then in some kind of spectacular fashion which will serve as an example to the rest.
I've seen first hand at how good Ryan is at manipulating those who are young, lacking of social skills as well as being naive and full of hope. Its not a pretty sight at all.
I can confirm that he is being investigated by Devon & Cornwall Police as well as Plymouth Trading standards. Both the old and new Stopryan forums had information on how to pursue a complaint with Ryan and a few forum guys were in the process of taking him to the small claims court.
As for how long it is before something serious happens? I honestly don't know. There are however alot of naive and young female fans out there who honestly are not educated about the dangers. We educate young women and students about the perils of date raping, getting battered on a friday night, etc so why arn't the Cons doing more to educate female anime fans about the occassional nutter at a Con? More could and should be done.
I've seen first hand at how good Ryan is at manipulating those who are young, lacking of social skills as well as being naive and full of hope. Its not a pretty sight at all.
I can confirm that he is being investigated by Devon & Cornwall Police as well as Plymouth Trading standards. Both the old and new Stopryan forums had information on how to pursue a complaint with Ryan and a few forum guys were in the process of taking him to the small claims court.
As for how long it is before something serious happens? I honestly don't know. There are however alot of naive and young female fans out there who honestly are not educated about the dangers. We educate young women and students about the perils of date raping, getting battered on a friday night, etc so why arn't the Cons doing more to educate female anime fans about the occassional nutter at a Con? More could and should be done.
ryan gentle at it again
Where would the British anime community be without Ryan Gentle? Since bursting onto the scene at Ayacon in August 2005 with a host of tall tales and fabricated fictions, he has been a constant source of utter hilarity, wangst and Internet High Drama on a weekly basis ever since. At one point, #cunts actually maintained a wiki page listing all of his various incredible claims (he's made hundreds of thousands from programming contracts, runs a major international internet company, lived in Japan for a while as part of a biker gang who were wiped out by the yakuza leaving him as the sole survivor, is a bisexual with an 8 inch penis who can perform over and over again, was organising a massive convention in Plymouth which mysteriously the proposed venue had never even heard of... the list goes on!), but recently, that would simply have been too much work - and a little bit too far on the "tragic" side of tragi-comedy.
Basically, this guy is a compulsive fantasist and liar. He consistently builds tall tales around himself and then tries to shore them up in increasingly peculiar ways when people start poking holes in the facts or the logic. At best, this is funny - at worst, it results in gulliable people being done out of money or goods. He mis-sold web hosting to a bunch of people, took money from people under false pretences, and offered to pay for things - seemingly in an attempt to get into some girls' pants - which he then pulled out of. When he retreats from the commitments he's made but can clearly not keep, his favourite claim is that a family member (normally his brother, from memory) has just died - at this stage, he must have the largest and most accident-prone family in history.
The reason I make this post now, aside from simply to remind any of my friends list who have forgotten about the wonderful Mr Gentle of his spacktacular existence, is to draw attention to his latest exploits - and to share a sense of jaw-dropping wonder that people are STILL falling for his lies. Observe!
Hyde Park - Anime Summer Screening! - on the Amecon forum. Ryan is "Kousuke".
The modus operandai is clear. He promises to do something (in this instance, a screening in Hyde Park - interestingly the park authorities had never heard of this and said that it was utterly unlikely that they'd give permission), then changes that something; consistently refers to how much money he's going to spend on sorting things out for everyone involved, and then pulls out at the last minute with a completely ludicrous excuse (in this instance, death threats - a brilliant masterstroke from him, since it makes it look like he's the victim here, and a bunch of sycophants rush to his defence!).
Consider - people have changed their holiday or work plans for this, they have in some cases booked train tickets at their own personal expense (he offers to refund this - I'd love to see if this actually happens), and the whole thing was quite patently a lie from start to finish, just like everything else he's ever said or done. Brilliant!
The hilarity of it aside, it raises some interesting points for me. For a start, you'll note that barely anyone has questioned Ryan on this thread, despite his well-known previous form. This is what happens when you put fucking retards in charge of a convention forum, unfortunately - they're so concerned with creating an environment where the sun shines, bunnies hop around and everyone loves each other dearly that they never stop to think that maybe, just fucking maybe, there are some bad eggs in there that need to be pointed out to naive newcomers. Apparently Amecon's goose-stepping moderator is too busy being rude and condescending to people asking genuine questions and locking perfectly reasonable forum threads to bother stepping in to prevent some of the convention's attendees from being swindled by a known conman on their own forum - but he has created an atmosphere where nobody else bothers either, becuase they know that he'll just come down on them like a ton of bricks for daring to express the truth rather than posting some fucking nonsense with a few animated gifs and the word "HUGGZZ" thrown in a lot.
That rant aside (actually, it feels rather good to get that off my chest - it's been winding me up for some time, so apologies to any of the Amecon committee types reading this for the harsh language, but I haven't really felt that it was appropriate to say anything in public about con committees until recently when I shed my own association with them...), it also makes me wonder whether there's a way to reintroduce the old anime fandom system of warning newbies against idiots like Ryan. He's not the first and is far from the last of his sort to approach fandom - social groupings like this attract them like flies to shite, especially when there are so many teenage girls involved, sadly - but in the past fan events and forums would put their heads together and utterly ostracise his type. The new live-and-let-live approach to fandom seems to have been borne out of the decentralisation of the whole thing - which in itself is good, I'll grant you - but it does mean that predators like Ryan Gentle have a free hand to go out there and fool more naive kids despite the fact that he's well known to a lot of people for his antics.
Ryan is a compulsive liar and a confidence trickster; would we act the same if he was known for getting young girls drunk and molesting them? Sadly, I can't help but feel that we probably would, since there have been borderline cases of that already. How long is it until someone gets raped or seriously hurt because we're too busy giving peace a chance (and picking on relatively harmless headcases like GrantM instead, because it's funnier apparently) to deal with problem cases as they arise?
Where would the British anime community be without Ryan Gentle? Since bursting onto the scene at Ayacon in August 2005 with a host of tall tales and fabricated fictions, he has been a constant source of utter hilarity, wangst and Internet High Drama on a weekly basis ever since. At one point, #cunts actually maintained a wiki page listing all of his various incredible claims (he's made hundreds of thousands from programming contracts, runs a major international internet company, lived in Japan for a while as part of a biker gang who were wiped out by the yakuza leaving him as the sole survivor, is a bisexual with an 8 inch penis who can perform over and over again, was organising a massive convention in Plymouth which mysteriously the proposed venue had never even heard of... the list goes on!), but recently, that would simply have been too much work - and a little bit too far on the "tragic" side of tragi-comedy.
Basically, this guy is a compulsive fantasist and liar. He consistently builds tall tales around himself and then tries to shore them up in increasingly peculiar ways when people start poking holes in the facts or the logic. At best, this is funny - at worst, it results in gulliable people being done out of money or goods. He mis-sold web hosting to a bunch of people, took money from people under false pretences, and offered to pay for things - seemingly in an attempt to get into some girls' pants - which he then pulled out of. When he retreats from the commitments he's made but can clearly not keep, his favourite claim is that a family member (normally his brother, from memory) has just died - at this stage, he must have the largest and most accident-prone family in history.
The reason I make this post now, aside from simply to remind any of my friends list who have forgotten about the wonderful Mr Gentle of his spacktacular existence, is to draw attention to his latest exploits - and to share a sense of jaw-dropping wonder that people are STILL falling for his lies. Observe!
Hyde Park - Anime Summer Screening! - on the Amecon forum. Ryan is "Kousuke".
The modus operandai is clear. He promises to do something (in this instance, a screening in Hyde Park - interestingly the park authorities had never heard of this and said that it was utterly unlikely that they'd give permission), then changes that something; consistently refers to how much money he's going to spend on sorting things out for everyone involved, and then pulls out at the last minute with a completely ludicrous excuse (in this instance, death threats - a brilliant masterstroke from him, since it makes it look like he's the victim here, and a bunch of sycophants rush to his defence!).
Consider - people have changed their holiday or work plans for this, they have in some cases booked train tickets at their own personal expense (he offers to refund this - I'd love to see if this actually happens), and the whole thing was quite patently a lie from start to finish, just like everything else he's ever said or done. Brilliant!
The hilarity of it aside, it raises some interesting points for me. For a start, you'll note that barely anyone has questioned Ryan on this thread, despite his well-known previous form. This is what happens when you put fucking retards in charge of a convention forum, unfortunately - they're so concerned with creating an environment where the sun shines, bunnies hop around and everyone loves each other dearly that they never stop to think that maybe, just fucking maybe, there are some bad eggs in there that need to be pointed out to naive newcomers. Apparently Amecon's goose-stepping moderator is too busy being rude and condescending to people asking genuine questions and locking perfectly reasonable forum threads to bother stepping in to prevent some of the convention's attendees from being swindled by a known conman on their own forum - but he has created an atmosphere where nobody else bothers either, becuase they know that he'll just come down on them like a ton of bricks for daring to express the truth rather than posting some fucking nonsense with a few animated gifs and the word "HUGGZZ" thrown in a lot.
That rant aside (actually, it feels rather good to get that off my chest - it's been winding me up for some time, so apologies to any of the Amecon committee types reading this for the harsh language, but I haven't really felt that it was appropriate to say anything in public about con committees until recently when I shed my own association with them...), it also makes me wonder whether there's a way to reintroduce the old anime fandom system of warning newbies against idiots like Ryan. He's not the first and is far from the last of his sort to approach fandom - social groupings like this attract them like flies to shite, especially when there are so many teenage girls involved, sadly - but in the past fan events and forums would put their heads together and utterly ostracise his type. The new live-and-let-live approach to fandom seems to have been borne out of the decentralisation of the whole thing - which in itself is good, I'll grant you - but it does mean that predators like Ryan Gentle have a free hand to go out there and fool more naive kids despite the fact that he's well known to a lot of people for his antics.
Ryan is a compulsive liar and a confidence trickster; would we act the same if he was known for getting young girls drunk and molesting them? Sadly, I can't help but feel that we probably would, since there have been borderline cases of that already. How long is it until someone gets raped or seriously hurt because we're too busy giving peace a chance (and picking on relatively harmless headcases like GrantM instead, because it's funnier apparently) to deal with problem cases as they arise?
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